
B-STARS2: It’s a Start!


Neurosoft equipment is used in scientific research all over the world. We have already talked about VERIFY, a large multicenter study in the US that aims to provide early prognostic data on the rehabilitation potential of stroke patients.

Stroke is recognized as a socially significant problem. Research in the area of stroke diagnostics, therapy and rehabilitation traditionally attracts attention of specialists from all over the world. For example in Netherlands, about 40,000 people have a stroke every year. After the initial admission to the hospital, about 15% of stroke survivors is admitted to a rehabilitation center because of remaining disabilities. Three out of four of these patients have upper limb dysfunction, hampering activities of daily living. Improving the quality of life of such patients by promoting recovery is an issue that scientists in Netherlands have been studying for several years.

The next phase of the multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial B-STARS2 has now started. We have already talked about the earlier stages where Neuro-MS/D machines were used. And now Neuro-MSX transcranial magnetic stimulators participates in B-STARS2! The aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of cTBS treatment in promoting upper limb recovery after stroke in patients admitted to a rehabilitation center. The study will involve 16 rehabilitation centers and 454 patients.

In December 2024, the first 2 patients were included in the study. It’s a start! We will observe the progress with interest.

B-STARS2: It’s a Start!