Ready-Made Solution for Remote ECG Acquisition and Analysis (Tele-ECG)
- full-featured 12-channel ECG recording (acquisition and displaying)
- user-friendly touchscreen interface
- real-time ECG consultations even if a patient is a thousand kilometers away
- ECG review and interpretation at cloud server in a couple of seconds
- ready-made solution for a range of diagnostic purposes

Full-Featured 12-Channel ECG Recording
The system ensures ECG recording from 12 channels.
User-Friendly Touchscreen Interface
The Android-based application is easy to use and can be installed on any compatible smartphone or tablet. ECG acquisition does not require any special computer skills.
Real-Time ECG Consultations Even If a Patient Is a Thousand Kilometers Away
The remote support of qualified specialists in making diagnostic and clinical decisions can be provided when needed.
ECG Review and Interpretation at Cloud Server in a Couple of Seconds
The recorded ECG can be analyzed by our cloud server that generates ECG interpretation automatically. The cloud server benefits include quick calculations, reliability and automatic update of analysis algorithms.
Ready-Made Solution for a Range of Diagnostic Purposes
The system does not require any additional software modules. Upon your request, our specialists will install and set up the system and teach a medical practitioner to use it. The system can be also used for:
– urgent ECG transmission from diagnostic centers to medical facilities with simultaneous cardiological consultations (telemedicine);
– scheduled ECG transmission with simultaneous cardiological consultations (telemedicine) during health screening;
– control of the patient’s state during his/her transportation to the medical facility.
Poly-Spectrum-8/G allows a medical facility to prepare for emergency patients beforehand (for example in case of urgent revascularization).
Support of HL7 and DICOM Standards Allows Integrating All Diagnostic Neurosoft Systems into the Information System of a Healthcare Facility
Nowadays all large medical centers and a range of small clinics are equipped with information systems intended to store and process their medical data. To make their workflow reliable and effective the software shall interface with such systems.
HL7 (Health Level 7) is the most commonly used interface engine for the exchange, integration, sharing and retrieval of electronic health information. Neurosoft software supports data exchange via HL7. Nevertheless, HL7 defines just a message format and general principles of data transfer while each specific information system can use its own messaging standards. The specialists of our company can easily set up the software to fit the needs of any clinic and thus provide the most effective integration via HL7.
Neurosoft software also supports DICOM network protocol. Using DICOM modality worklist the diagnostic software can interchange data with the information system of a clinic: obtain data regarding the required studies and transfer the results of performed studies to the information system of a clinic.
The support of HL7 standard allows integrating all diagnostic Neurosoft systems into the information system of a healthcare facility.