PC-based Spirometer
- high-accuracy of lung volume and air flow rate measurements
- 43 spirometric parameters
- automatic control of reproducibility and breathing maneuver performance
- demountable flow converter
- 3-liter calibration syringe

High-Accuracy of Lung Volume and Airflow Rate Measurements
The high-accuracy of lung volume and airflow rate measurements is ensured by high-quality sensors and electronic components used in the spirometer, the individual calibration of each device on a special stand and the use of built-in temperature, atmospheric pressure, and humidity sensors to correct the measured flow and volume values automatically (bringing to BTPS standard).
43 Spirometric Parameters
VC test: VC, IRV, ERV, TV
FVC test: FVC, FEV0.5, FEV1, FEV3, FEV1/VC (Tiffenau index), FEV1/FVC, FEV3/VC, FEV3/FVC, MEF25%, MEF50%, MEF75%, MEF25-75, MEF75-85, MEF0.2-1.2l, Aex, PEF, Tex, TPEF, VPEF, FIV0.5, FEV0.5/FIV0.5, PIF, MIF50%, MEF50/MIF50
MVV test: MVV, BF, TV
Provocation (challenge) tests, etc.
Automatic Control of Reproducibility and Breathing Maneuver Performance
The software displays messages concerning the mistakes made during inhalation and exhalation performing, and if necessary, recommends executing them once again.
Demountable Flow Converter
The demountable break-resistant flow converter simplifies cleaning and disinfection of components contacting with patient’s mucous membranes and airflow. The delivery set includes a sufficient quantity of replaceable flow converters to perform spirometry tests during one working day with no break for disinfection. Besides, the device is supplied with the set of spare parts for the flow converter that guarantees the long-term operation of the device without any additional purchases. If necessary, you can use the disposable or reusable mouthpieces with a 30 mm internal diameter produced by any manufacturer.
3-liter Calibration Syringe
The syringe volume approximately equals to the average vital lung capacity of a human. Calibrated with a 3-liter syringe spirometer measures the external respiration functions more accurately and correctly. Syringes of lesser volume demonstrate predictably worse measurement accuracy. Just imagine that you have to measure 3 liters of milk. Which measuring cup would help you to do it more accurately – 1-liter cup (three measurements) or 3-liter cup (one measurement)?
The support of HL7 standard allows integrating all diagnostic Neurosoft systems into the information system of a healthcare facility.Delivery Set
The delivery set can differ from country to country. Request the actual delivery set for your country from your local representative.
Spiro-Spectrum electronic unit | 1 pcs. |
Pulse tube | 2 pcs. |
Assembled flowmeter | 10 pcs. |
Mouthpiece reusable | 20 pcs. |
Calibration pump | 1 pcs. |
Nose clip | 2 pcs. |
Rubber ring gasket | 5 pcs. |
Replaceable grid | 10 pcs. |
Semi-ring clamp | 5 pcs. |
Technical Manual «Spiro-Spectrum» | 1 pcs. |
Warranty certificate | 1 pcs. |
Package set | 1 pcs. |
License for the use of software "Spiro-Spectrum" | 1 pcs. |
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Спиро-Спектр_Декларация о соответствии_EUU_05.10.2022
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Спиро-Спектр_Регистрационное удостоверение_KZ_03.03.2021
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