Navigated rTMS is an increasingly popular treatment option for patients with major depression. It has been approved by the FDA since 2009, is CE certified for clinical use in the EU, and is reimbursed by an increasing number of health care insurers. Still, there is a range of different rTMS protocols available to the clinician, and the TMS coil can be placed in the target region in many different ways. It is hence not surprising that results can vary significantly, and that best practices continue to be improved.
The webinar "Navigated rTMS treatment of depression" presents the latest insights into how rTMS is best applied in the treatment of depression, and how MRI guided neuronavigation can be used to improve TMS targeting and clinical outcome. Paul Fitzgerald, Professor of Psychiatry at Epworth Healthcare and Bas Neggers (Ph.D.), Associate Professor at the UMC Utrecht and CEO of Brain Science Tools BV will guide you through the latest developments and share their insights. There will be ample room to ask questions.
In between both lectures, speakers will demonstrate rTMS and MRI guided neuronavigation equipment, including Neurosoft transcranial magnetic stimulator Neuro-MS/D, and teach you how to use the equipment successfully.
The webinar will begin at 11:00 am (Central European Summer Time).
The webinar will take place using the Zoom platform. You can register here using the online form from the Zoom platform. A few days before the webinar, you will receive the Zoom link to participate by email. Participation is free for everyone.