Comfort Medical Chair with K-9 Flexible Arm
Increased Comfort Level for Long TMS Sessions
- Patient Comfortable Seating
- Coil Reliable Attachment and Immobility

It is very important for the patient to stay motionless during transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) therapy session. The effectiveness of the treatment directly depends on the accuracy of the coil positioning over the stimulated area.The specialist who conduct the treatment should ensure patient comfortable seating.
Ideal for long TMS sessions
Comfort medical chair specially deleloped to ensure patient comfortable position during the whole TMS session.
- Neck support: optimal-size neck support adjusted by height provides its appropriate positioning for each patient.
- Back rest: 65 cm fixed back height, 75° (from -7°) back rest adjustment range, independent adjustment of back rest position.
- Ergonomic arm rests: wide arm rests to avoid discomfort during prolonged seating.
- Foot rest and leg rest: 29 cm footrest adjustment for patients of any height; legrest adjustment is 35°, independent adjustment of leg rest position.
- Wheels with locks: wheels allowing you to both easily move the chair and reliably block its movement if necessary with the use of special locks;
- Remote control: remote adjustmet of chair position.
- Special holders for the coil on the chair's back: direct attachement of flexible arm to to the medical chair — trolley and chair movement will not affect the position of the coil.
K-9 flexible arm ensuring reliable fixation of the coil.
- Shorter length: it does not bend under the weight of the coil and therefore the coil does not slide off the stimulation zone.
- Smooth adjustment: easy to adjust and to fix arm position.
- Universal: flexible arm can be used with any coil.
The chair provides the most comfortable position for the patient while the arm ensures reliable attachment and immobility of the coil during long TMS sessionss.
Comfort medical chair with the K-9 flexible arm is an ideal solution for long TMS sessions!
If you have any questions, write us at or call +7 (4932) 95-99-99.
Comfort medical chair, schematic image
Comfort medical chair
Comfort medical chair with K-9 flexible arm
Delivery Set
The delivery set can differ from country to country. Request the actual delivery set for your country from your local representative.