Balance rehabilitation
Rehabilitation of postural function with biofeedback Steadys-Balance
- balance rehabilitation in various postures
- motivating games
- manual or automatic training modes
- patient’s progress tracking

Balance rehabilitation in various postures
A miniature Neurosens inertial measurement unit (IMU) is used for balance rehabilitation, which can be installed on various body segments. For balance training aimed at maintaining a straight posture and training that teaches the patient to maintain balance while actively performing movements the sensor is attached to the patient’s sacrum.
Some patients are still recovering the ability to sit on the bed and are unable to stand, but they already need to rehabilitate lost function. Using Neurosens IMU postural function training can be performed in the sitting posture. In such a case, the sensor should be placed in the area of the T6-T7 vertebrae.
Motivating games
There is nothing easier than explaining to the patient how to train balance with the Steadys-Balance system. All games are intuitive and can be used even in patients with cognitive impairment.
The Steadys-Balance has a range of motivating games that will suit patients of different ages, male and interests. Everyone can choose the most interesting game environment for training which help the patient to perform the rehabilitation task.
Manual or automatic training modes
It is important to assess task performance during the training to keep the patient motivated. If the patient fails to perform the task, you can make it easier without training termination or more difficult if the patient succeeds in the task. This is how it works in manual mode. The control of the training performance and adjustment of the task difficulty level in the automatic mode is done by the software that streamlines end-to-end workflow and helps to save time.
Patient’s progress tracking
All data on the dynamics of the patient’s condition after the treatment is stored in the software database. Press only one button to create a report for the comprehensive assessment of all changes.
The support of HL7 standard allows integrating all diagnostic Neurosoft systems into the information system of a healthcare facility.Options
Steadys_Korea_I class
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Стэдис_Декларация о соответствии_03.08.2022
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Registration certificate_Australia
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NS-4 and other Israel
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Стэдис_Регистрационное удостоверение_RF_11.07.2022
4,73 MB
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Выписка из единого реестра российских программ для ЭВМ ПО "Стэдис-Баланс"
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Стэдис_Регистрационное удостоверение_KZ_13.11.2024
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