

This is the system of remote recording and analysis of ECG, respiratory rate, and physical activity

  • The broad spectrum of applications: rehabilitation of cardiovascular patients, remote real-time control (telemetry), 24 hour ECG (Holter ECG)
  • Detection of arrhythmias, conduction disorders, myocardial ischemia episodes in real-time mode
  • Absolute freedom of patients’ physical activity and location
  • An intuitive interface of the portal for specialists and of the mobile application for patients
  • The precise placement of electrodes due to the unique fastener (attachment) system


«Accordix» – is a unique system of rehabilitation of cardiovascular patients based on the technology of tele ECG (remote real-time mode). It consists of the following elements:

  1. 2-channel ECG recorder*, which allows recording ECG, respiratory rate, walking pace, and postural pose. Received data can be transmitted via a wireless Bluetooth channel adjusted in advance.
  2. Special electrode fastener system (a vest). This particular system should be adjusted and fitted to each patient individually by a specialist. After that, the patient can put it on at home repeatedly without any assistance and further adjustment not being afraid to displace the electrodes.
  3. The Smartphone with a downloaded mobile application for patients. The application can be downloaded from Google Play on any Smartphone charged with Android. This is an easy-to-use application with a minimum quantity of buttons. The patient can see all parameters of his/her course with included training sessions created in advance by the specialist. Also, this will make a notification about the forthcoming training session. Received data of the patient's examination will be transmitted via the internet to a remote server for storage. They are available for analysis at any time.
  4. The portal for specialists includes a database of all patients records and training courses. The physician can observe training sessions in real-time mode or after they are completed. One specialist can have several patients simultaneously and control all their sessions’ details from any place of the world via the internet (online). The number of patients is unlimited.

* One can also use 12 channel ECG recorder «Poly-Spectrum-8/EX».

The broad spectrum of applications: rehabilitation of cardiovascular patients, remote real-time control (telemetry), 24 hour ECG (Holter ECG).

The specialist can choose one of the possible usage scenarios of Accordix system depending on his goals:

  • The course of physical rehabilitation consists of sessions under the physician's control. This particular course is essential for cardiovascular patients, especially after cardiac surgery. However, patients living in distant and remote areas often cannot visit their physicians regularly. Accordix deals successfully with these problems, and patients do not need to come to the hospital.
  • Real-time telemetry. This is an ideal way to estimate the functional status of an athlete during training sessions. The specialist can observe the athlete’s physiological parameters and estimate their threshold values to control the load intensity. This approach enables the sports team to modify the training process to achieve the best possible result and minimize traumas.
  • Outpatient ECG monitoring (Holter ECG). The system holds all ECG records, respiratory rate, and physical activity data in the memory of the Smartphone and simultaneously sends them to a remote server as long as results of preliminary analysis. Consequently, the specialist receives the required record, downloads it on the computer for further advanced analysis in a professional program «Poly-spectrum-CM.NET». No traditional downloading is required. The patient may visit a doctor to pass the equipment and at the same time obtain the comprehensive report!
  • Tele ECG means 12 -channel ECG records transmitted via the internet and remote real-time specialist's supervision. High-qualified specialists may not be available for all patients especially those living in some distant areas. It is common practice that in some remote regions there are only paramedics and nurses. Therefore tele ECG technologies with remote real-time specialist supervision (analysis and conclusion) become the best option.

Detection of arrhythmias, conduction disorders, and ischemia episodes in real-time mode.

The system «Accordix» enables to estimate the following key parameters:

  • walking pace
  • postural pose
  • respiratory rate
  • ECG
  • heart rate

Apart from that, the system enables registration of the vast range of heart rhythm disorders (extrasystoles, tachycardias), typification of complexes and analysis of ST-deviations.

Absolute freedom in patients’ location and activity

Outpatient rehabilitation of cardiovascular patients in terms of diagnostic efficiency is equivalent to the one provided in the inpatient department. However, it is considered to be much more convenient for the patients and not so expensive for a medical organization. The patient can spend more time doing what he likes and devoting to training sessions only a few hours a week, for example, walking in a nearby park.

An intuitive interface of the portal for specialists and of the mobile application for patients

The main application of the «Accordix» system is outpatient rehabilitation of cardiovascular patients. Most of these patients are adults of the older age category. That is why we intended to make the application to be as simple and easy to understand as possible, with a minimum number of buttons.

The specialists’ portal is also easy to use. The physician can see all his patients and their training courses, manage them. In addition, we train doctors and administrators to work with the portal. In two days, the specialist will receive all the necessary information to start working with the system.

Precise placement of electrodes due to the unique fastener system

The reusable electrode fastener system (vest) is assembled and adjusted by a physician who positions the electrodes strictly following the patient's anatomical features. After that, the patient can put the vest on his own at home, without fear of making a mistake with the position of electrodes. The vest has only one fastener and closes in one easy motion.
