This is the system of remote recording and analysis of ECG, respiratory rate, and physical activity
- Remote monitoring of ECG, respiratory rate and physical activity with a location tracking
- Real-time ECG analysis using artificial intelligence
- Effective remote doctor-patient communication from anywhere
- Unlimited number of users
- Biofeedback training control

The Accordix system is designed for remote control of physiological parameters during training sessions of both patients with somatic diseases and professional athletes using tele-ECG technologies.
Remote control of physiological parameters
Accordix includes:
- 2-channel ECG recorder to record ECG, respiratory rate, walking pace and body position, as well as to track the location and build a route during the training session;
- smartphone with the installed easy-to-use mobile application for patients with training sessions created in advance by the physician;
- Accordix cloud portal for a specialist to store the data obtained during the training sessions, to control the training details remotely and to analyze all data at any time.
Real-time ECG analysis using artificial intelligence
The artificial intelligence algorithms are helpful in detection and monitoring of the following diseases:
- premature ventricular contractions;
- atrial fibrillation;
- conduction disorders;
- myocardial ischemia;
- paroxysmal ventricular and supraventricular tachycardia.
Unlimited number of users
A specialist can control the physiological parameters of any number of patients simultaneously being a few meters or hundreds of kilometers away from them. The physician can be in touch with the patients from almost anywhere in the world.
Biofeedback training control
Before the training session, the patient’s blood pressure and SpO2 values are entered into the system, so the physical activity can be measured and assessed using the Borg scale after the session. The training is conducted in the biofeedback mode, i.e., if the heart rate range specified by the physician is exceeded, the patient receives a sound and visual notification to change the walking pace, and if any cardiac reaction occurs, the system prompts the patient to stop the training.
Аккордикс_Регистрационное удостоверение_KZ_20.01.2023
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Декларация о соответствии Аккордикс
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Регистрационное удостоверение Аккордикс
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Свидетельство о государственной регистрации ПО Аккордикс эпп
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Выписка из единого реестра российских программ для ЭВМ ПО "Аккордикс эпп"
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