
Tremor analysis with Neuro-MEP.NЕT software


Our program has powerful features for analyzing tremors, but some researchers need more. Therefore, the software has added a function for data auto-export to the free Tremoroton web service for more detailed analysis.

Specialists can analyze up to six channels using this service: two accelerometry channels and four EMG channels. The service offers functions such as time, frequency, and time-frequency analysis, as well as coherence calculation. This free service is characterized by high accuracy and good correlation in measuring the frequency of accelerometers and EMG compared to other commercial programs. You can get acquainted with the service there.

All Neurosoft EMG systems are compatible with accelerometers, which makes it possible to capture the full spectrum of signals for subsequent transmission and analysis in the Tremoroton web service. If you would like to purchase our equipment or you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by phone +7 4932 95-99-99 or by e-mail

Tremor analysis with Neuro-MEP.NЕT software