This year the World Congress of Neurology welcomes Emirates Neurology Society (EMINS) in Dubai (UAE).
This great meeting will give a stimulus for the resolute progress of the Asiatic initiative of the World Federation of Neurology for international development of neurology in both scientific and clinical aspects.
There are active discussions, lectures of the best world scientists in all fields of neurology including clinical science and negotiations of the future plans in the program.
During the conference the manufacturers are going to showcase their developments. Our company is demonstrating the devices for neurophysiology such as digital EEG systems, systems for video EEG monitoring, EMG and NSC systems, EP systems, systems for IOM monitoring, and magnetic stimulators.
XXIV Всемирный неврологический конгресс (WCN 2019)
27–31 October 2019
UAE, Dubai,
Dubai World Trade Centre
The event held