Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) in combination with MRI-guided neuronavigation can be used to study cerebral, spinal, and peripheral pathways in stroke patients. Additionally, stroke patients have successfully received rehabilitation treatments with repetitive TMS for improvements of hand motor function outcomes and non-fluent aphasia. These improvements after rTMS therapy are due to the normalization of disrupted activity caused by the stroke.
In this webinar specialists from Brain Science Tools will cover the latest advancements in the application of MRI-guided TMS in stroke research and rehabilitation. Background information regarding the effects of a stroke on the brain will be discussed as well as treatment protocols for stroke rehabilitation. They will also explain how MRI-guided neuronavigation can be used to improve rTMS targeting and clinical outcome and how a personal approach for each patient can have a beneficial effect. Additionally, the latest scientific findings regarding TMS and stroke will be covered.
Professor dr. med. Friedhelm Hummel of the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EFPL), Switzerland, is an expert in the field of TMS in stroke and he will guide you through the latest developments and share his insights. There will be ample room to ask questions after professor Hummel's lecture.
The webinar will take place using the Zoom platform. You can register here using the online form from the Zoom platform. A few days before the webinar, you will receive the Zoom link to participate by email. Participation is free for everyone.