Annual Course on Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

Annual Course on Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

  • 12–13 December 2016
  • Netherlands, Utrecht, Kruyt building, first floor, conference hall The Garage (Padualaan 8, 3584 CH)
  • The event held, but you can take part in our other events.

  • Go to the site

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We are pleased to invite you to join the annual two-day TMS course at the end of this year in Utrecht (the Netherlands). This event is organized by two leading developers of TMS equipment: Brain Science Tools BV and Neurosoft Ltd.

The course is aimed at clinicians applying TMS in everyday practice as well as at researchers working in scientific centers and laboratories. The unique program of  this two-day training includes lectures and workshops on diverse topics with the use of devices for TMS and EMG and neuronavigation systems. The course speakers are going to lecture on theoretical aspects of transcranial magnetic stimulation, neuronavigation and neurovisualization. During the workshops you can practice with the equipment to train TMS techniques on purpose-designed devices.

Online registration is now open. It will be closed when the limit number of participants is reached. Course fee — 605 euro (including VAT) (lunch and drinks are included to course fee). After the registration you will receive an invoice with payment instructions.