6th International Conference on Transcranial Brain Stimulation 2016

6th International Conference on Transcranial Brain Stimulation 2016

  • 6–9 September 2016
  • DE, Göttingen, Georg-August-University Göttingen, Central Lecture Building, Platz der Göttinger Sieben, 5
  • The event held, but you can take part in our other events.

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During the exhibition the famous TMS specialists Dr. Mark George (Charleston, SC/US), Prof. Paolo Rossini (Rome/IT), Prof. Dr. Martin Sommer (Göttingen/DE) and others are going to lecture on topical non-invasive brain stimulation techniques combined with neuroimaging methods.

Conference Agenda

This conference is accompanied by a specialized industrial exhibition where manufacturers are going to showcase their equipment. Neurosoft Company is going to demonstrate the newest TMS developments: Neuro-MS/D transcranial magnetic stimulator and Neuro-MS monophasic magnetic stimulator.