18th World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine

18th World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine

  • 1–6 June 2024
  • Australia, Sydney, International Convention Centre Sydney
  • The event held, but you can take part in our other events.

  • Go to the site

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    Fair Centre, Hall 9, Booth С71
  • TMSRehabilitationBiomechanicsNeurology


The сongress will serve as a platform for presenting global research, breakthroughs and advancements in the field of rehabilitation medicine. While covering key clinical areas, the conference will particularly highlight the three "T's" — trauma, technology and timing.

  • Trauma will include motor vehicle accidents, domestic violence and the results of war and natural disasters.
  • Technology will range from personal devices such as phones to robotics.
  • Timing will explore topics such as rehabilitation, in-reach services and when rehabilitation should end.

The scientific program includes pre-congress practical workshops, plenary sessions and themed sessions featuring invited speakers and selected free paper presentations. Currently, it is planned for the congress to be face-to-face with video conferencing from some of the invited speakers.

During the congress, our local partner, AIMedical International Pty Ltd., will demonstrate the advanced Neurosoft medical equipment for rehabilitation.