
The annual Utrecht TMS course

  • Two-day TMS course
  • TMS lectures
  • Appropriate for clinicians and researchers
  • Hands-on session using TMS equipment
The annual Utrecht TMS course


Lecturer's Photo


Bas Neggers was trained as a biophysicist at the University of Nijmegen and obtained his PhD degree at the Max Planck Institute in Munich in 2000. He founded Brain Science Tools in 2011 in order to pursue valorization of techniques developed at the UMC Utrecht to help patients benefit from innovative approaches.


Lecturer's Photo


Bram Wernsen finished his Master's degree in psychology at the University of Utrecht in 2009. After noticing that rTMS resulted in quick improvements for his patients, he decided to specialize in rTMS treatment. He opened his first rTMS clinic in 2014 and currently Bram owns three rTMS clinics in the Netherlands.


Lecturer's Photo


Professor Indira Tendolkar has a broad clinical experience in general and geriatric  psychiatry.  Her research focuses on biological treatment methods such as  pharmacotherapy, electroconvulsive therapy, and transcranial magnetic stimulation of affective disorders. Professor Tendolkar's main interest is the causal relationship between affective disorders and the dysfuntion of the declarative memory.


Lecturer's Photo


Ph.D. in Medicine, Neurosoft Medical affairs manager, TMS clinical application specialist.

Anna is the author of scientific articles devoted the transcranial magnetic stimulation application. She regularly speaks at international congresses such as the World Neurological Congress, the International Conference on Brain Stimulation with lectures and workshops on TMS.


Day 1 Clinical Use of TMS, EMG and Neuronavigation
Welcome + Coffee 09.00 - 09.30
Introduction to TMS (Nicolay Smirnov, Neurosoft) 09.30 - 10.15
Introduction to Neuronavigation (Bas Neggers, UMC Utrecht/Brain Science Tools BV) 10.15 - 10.45
Coffee Break 10.45 - 11.00
TMS Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders I (Bram Wernsen, MSc, rTMS specialist) 11.00 - 12.00
Panel Discussion, Q&A Session 12.00 - 12.30
Lunch Break 12.30 - 13.30
TMS for Treatment Use — Practical (Anna Maslyukova, Neurosoft) 13.30 - 15.00
B-STARS Trial: TMS Treatment During Stroke Rehabilitation (Jord Vink, UMC Utrecht/Brain Science Tools BV) 15.00 - 15.30
Coffee Break 15.30 - 16.00
MRI-guided Neuronavigation for TMS Treatment – Master Class (Bas Neggers, UMC Utrecht/Brain Science Tools BV) 16.00 - 16.30
MRI-guided Neuronavigation of Typical Treatment Targets: M1, DLPFC, TPC, mPFC – Practical 16.30 - 17.30
Day 1 Wrap Up 17.30 - 17.45
Dinner 18.30
Day 2 Advances in TMS, EMG and Neuronavigation: Research
TMS Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders II (Prof. Indira Tendolkar, Radboud University, the Netherlands ) 09.00 - 10.00
TMS Outcome Measures — Motor Evoked Potentials (MEP), Silent Period (SP), Inter-hemispheric Inhibition (IHI) and Others – Master Class (Anna Maslyukova, Neurosoft) 10.00 - 10.30
Coffee Break 10.30 - 10.45
TMS Outcome Measures – Practical (Anna Maslyukova, Neurosoft) 10.45 - 11.45
Biophysics of TMS: What Is Happening in the Brain? (Bas Neggers, UMC Utrecht/Brain Science Tools BV) 11.45 - 12.15
Basic Electrophysiological Effects of TMS (Anna Maslyukova, Neurosoft) 12.15 - 12.45
Lunch Break 12.45 - 13.45
Modeling of Coils and Brains (Petar Petrov, UMC Utrecht/Brain Science Tools BV) 13.45 - 14.10
Insights from TMS During fMRI: What Happens in the Brain When Stimulating DLPFC? (Jord Vink, UMC Utrecht/Brain Science Tools BV) 14.10 - 14.55
Coffee Break 14.55 - 15.10
Introduction to MRI-navigated Motor Evoked Potential Mapping — Master Class: Live Demonstrations + Practical 15.10 - 15.50
Continued Practical: rTMS for Depression / Outcome Measures / Navigated TMS, Navigated MEP 15.50 - 16.45
Course Wrap up 16.45 - 17.00

Main Issues

TMS treatment for psychiatric disorders

TMS treatment during stroke rehabilitation

rTMS for depression

Neuronavigation for TMS treatment 

TMS outcome measures

Basic electrophysiological effects of TMS


The workshops are organized using TMS, neuronavigation and EMG equipment. Here you can train how to use the equipment assisted by healthcare professionals. Also, you can learn how to select an appropriate TMS protocol, determine the hotspot and target, perform and interpret motor mapping using MRI-guided neuronavigation and EMG. 

Intended Audience

The Utrecht TMS course is intended for clinicians and technicians who want to apply transcranial magnetic stimulation in their everyday practice.