Assessment of joint movement
Assessment of joint movement Steadys-Kinematics
- objective analysis of joint and spine movement
- synchronized EMG and joint movements analysis
- only 2 minutes for examination
- compact and portable
- patient’s progress tracking
Objective analysis of joint and spine movement
An objective assessment of movement is necessary to monitor the rehabilitation progress, to assess the impairment severity in stroke patients, patients with paresis, muscular dystrophy, paralysis, cerebral palsy, Parkinson’s disease, etc.
Neurosens inertial measurement unit (IMU) sensors are used for an objective analysis of joint and spine movement. Each sensor tracks its position in space with high accuracy, all analysis is performed automatically without human intervention.
Neurosens sensors record movement amplitude for a specific body joint in a specific anatomic plane (flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, rotation) as well as EMG data. The software allows detecting and recording even the slightest movements that cannot be distinguished by the human eye and performing objective and accurate assessment of the movement parameters.
Synchronized EMG and joint movements analysis
The assessment of neuromuscular function is impossible without EMG data, when both EMG and the movement parameters are synchronized recorded. This approach helps to identify and differentiate the impairment severity, compensation and decompensation of movement disorders.
Now you do not need to use an additional EMG system to determine if the muscles are correctly involved in movement. Both movement parameters and EMG are recorded by one small device – the Neurosens IMU sensor. And that's it, no more additional devices or cables on the patient’s body. The Steadys-Kinematics system is guaranteed to save your time.
Compact and portable
All equipment required for testing fits in one small shoulder bag. The bag with all equipment weights only two kilos. You can take it with you and perform the examination wherever you like.
Patient’s progress tracking
All data obtained from the exams is stored in the software database. Press only one button to generate a report for a comprehensive assessment of changes.
Steadys_Korea_I class
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Стэдис_Декларация о соответствии_03.08.2022
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Registration certificate_Australia
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NS-4 and other Israel
346 KB
Стэдис_Регистрационное удостоверение_RF_11.07.2022
4,73 MB
Выписка из единого реестра российских программ для ЭВМ ПО "Стэдис"
190,62 KB
Выписка из единого реестра российских программ для ЭВМ ПО "Стэдис-Баланс"
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Выписка из единого реестра российских программ для ЭВМ ПО "Стэдис-Кинематика"
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Свидетельство на товарный знак
791,71 KB