- specific techniques for neurophysiological assessment of external sphincter and other pelvic floor neuromuscular structures
- portable design
- electrical stimulator with two outputs

In coloproctology centers, EMG of external sphincter and pelvic floor muscles is often required.
Portable EMG and NCS system Neuro-MEP-Micro packed with the necessary techniques is the right solution for these needs.
Specific techniques for neurophysiological assessment of external sphincter and other pelvic floor neuromuscular structures
The system is used to perform various neurophysiological examinations of pelvic floor for diagnostic and scientific purposes, i.e.:
- bulbocavernosus and other sacral reflex tests with electrical stimulation of pudendal nerve to assess the conduction of reflex arcs (S2-S4);
- surface EMG of external sphincter and pelvic floor muscles to assess the level of tonic contraction;
- needle EMG with quantitative motor unit potential (MUP) analysis coupled with sacral reflex test to detect sacral denervation;
- stimulation EMG used with a disposable St. Mark’s electrode to stimulate the distal part of pudendal nerve;
- pudendal nerve somatosensory evoked potentials (pSEPs) especially in patients with preserved sacral reflexes and hypoesthesia of perineum;
- sympathetic skin responses (SSR) recorded from perineal area to assess the conduction velocity of sympathetic unmyelinated fibers and myelinated sensory nerve fibers;
- analysis of motor evoked potentials (MEP) in perineal muscles during the cortical and sacral magnetic stimulation (the assessment of corticospinal tract conduction with recording of pelvic floor motor evoked potentials (if the magnetic stimulator is available)).
Portable design
Neuro-MEP-Micro requires very little space and is connected to a computer via the USB cable which ensures data uploading and power supply of the device. If not powered from mains, the device can operate from the notebook battery.
Electrical stimulator with two outputs
Two software switchable outputs to plug in the electrical stimulator allow a specialist to place two pairs of stimulating electrodes on a patient and connect them to the device. Thus, there is no need to switch the electrodes as the stimulating electrode is software-defined.
The list of articles on research using Neuro-MEP-Micro at Google Scholar.
Registration certificate_Australia
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Registration certificate_Argentina
136,13 KB
Лайтбокс_Регистрационное удостоверение_RF_27.01.2021
14,28 MB
Certificate of Compliance for Neuro-MEP family
2,68 MB
UK Registration Confirmation Letter - 2021092801217159
686,14 KB
Декларация о соответствии_Лайтбокс_EEU_10.12.2021
723,35 KB
Registration certificate_Colombia
3,86 MB
Registration certificate
1,59 MB
Выписка из реестра РЭП_Лайтбокс
42,82 KB
NS-61..65 and other Israel
346,49 KB
Выписка из единого реестра российских программ для ЭВМ ПО "Нейро-МВП.NET"
190,94 KB
EMG machine Litebox surprised me from the very beginning. When examining the spontaneous activity in the muscle, I saw a clean isoline and considered that the device was faulty, since no noise was seen in the response in the relaxed muscle. And when spontaneous activity appeared, it became clear that it was difficult to find an equivalent analogue of the Litebox hardware in terms of noise parameters.